About Leanne

Leanne Raab is a yoga teacher, mentor and writer. She has been teaching yoga and meditation for 20 years in New York City, Sydney, and now Berlin.

From Sydney’s leading yoga studios, to clients such as Sia and Deborah-Lee Furness in New York, she shares the practice of yoga with an intention to foster inner connection and healing.

Her mentoring for yoga teachers and practitioners holds a space for find confidence and their unique voice as facilitators.

She combines inner work, coaching tools and yoga knowledge to help teachers find their strengths and move through limiting beliefs.

Leanne believes that teaching yoga well goes beyond perfect postures and fancy sequencing - it’s about connecting, healing and courage.

Teachers are a fragmented bunch, separated by styles, dogma and a need to compete. Leanne’s online offerings to connect an international community of teachers supporting, sharing and collaborating with each other.

Leanne offers a unique one:one mentoring program, online mentoring courses and writes for publications such as Well Being Yoga Magazine. Catch her classes at Body Mind Life, both in studio and online.

Her teachers include the late TKV Desikachar, Abbie Galvin, Cyndi Lee, Leslie Kaminoff, Pixie Lilas, Judith Lasater and Genny Kapular.

Weekly class schedule at Original Feelings, Berlin:

Mondays: 9:30 joyful

Thursdays: 18:30 energize

Sundays: 9:30 joyful
