200 hr Yoga Teacher Training at Original Feelings

I’ll be leading the 2024 YTT at Original Feelings, Berlin next summer 2024, with Mascha Trietsch and Brooklyn Reardon.

1 week intensive:
14.07. - 21.07.2024

3 long weekends:
01.08. - 04.08.2024
22.08. - 25.08.2024
12.09. - 15.09.2024  

everyday from
08:00 - 18:00

early bird (valid till 01.01.2024)
regular price

The 200-hour curriculum covers more than yoga theory - we hone on what you need to start your journey as a yoga teacher.

It’s a chance to deepen your practice, broaden your understanding of yoga, and a beautiful journey inward to give shape to how yoga can become a catalyst for change, growth, and something that you can share with others.

We will dive deep into the traditional roots as asana, pranayama, meditation, philosophy and anatomy, while embracing and exploring modern yoga innovations such as Katonah Yoga.

Becoming a yoga teacher is a unique process for each individual. We believe in helping each student to find a style and practice that feels right, and our hearts are open to facilitate this process for each individual, and for the beautiful community that we’ll form.

We can’t wait to gather a new sangha of students and teachers, and build friendships that last a lifetime.

You may simply want to deepen your personalpractice or teach yoga for the rest of your life. Your background, reasons for practicing and the special way you view the world will form your unique style of Yoga. 

The Original Feelings 200 Hour Teacher Training is a collaborative process of co-creating an experience to help you honor your intentions, express your creativity and live your passion for the practice of Yoga. 

To enrol or for more information, click here x